RIPTD THE GAME - FLT K. sorry haven't share anything new these days since i've been sick for a few weeks, so.. here you go! RIPD The...
Dead Horde
DEAD HORDE-KaOs Since there's nothing to share on these days so, well.. here you go! Exactly looks like Dead Frointer to me! NFO : Downl...
The Walking Dead 400 Days
THE WALKING DEAD 400 DAYS - DLC & DLC+Base Game Centered on a truck stop on a Georgia highway, this DLC episode for Season 1 of The Walk...
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition
MORTAL KOMBAT KOMPLETE EDITION - FLT Alrite, sorry for late update since the game it self is huge-sized (abt 10GB) ==" Took a long time...
Company Of Heroes 2
COMPANY OF HEROES 2 + DLC - KaOs REPACK Included 26 DLC + Updated to v3.0.0.904 Get ready to be re-deployed for the sequel to the critically...
The Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind GOTY
TES 3 - MORROWIND GOTY - WaLMaRT Features : Players can take their existing Morrowind characters and save games and continue their adventure...
Knights of Pen and Paper Plus 1 Edition
KNIGHTS OF PEN AND PAPER PLUS 1 EDITION - FANiSO I Was waiting for this to be on PC ever since it came on iOS! Thanks to FANiSO^^ Set out on...
The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Legendary Edition
TES 5 : SKRYIM - LEGENDARY EDITION Finally the "LEGENDARY EDITION" been released by FLR! Cracked by FLT Too, Total Size is about 1...
Remember Me-Repack
REMEMBER ME-Black Box & KaOs Neo-Paris. 2084 Personal memories can now be digitised, bought, sold and traded! Remember Me is a TPS Acti...
Vanguard Princess
VANGUARD PRINCESS v.1.3.1 - CRACKED - THETA P2P Group "THETA" Release a new updated game of doujin fighting game, involving a bunc...